2.6.6. Weigh

Weigh is a tiny Haskell package to measure allocations of data constructors and functions. It provides a similar interface to Criterion, Gauge, and Tasty-Bench and is useful to confirm that a data structure or function has the memory performance you anticipate it to have at runtime. Weigh is easy to setup and non-invasive; requiring no changes to source code. Thus, it is a good initial tool to use before trying more advanced methods with higher setup costs, such as Cachegrind. Requirements

  1. The program must not be compiled with -threaded.

  2. The program must not be compiled with profiling enabled.

Weigh works by tracking the allocation and garbage collection behavior of the runtime system. It takes snapshots before and after forcing whatever value or function you are passing to it. Thus, it will report incorrect measurements if another thread changes the heap unexpectedly. Similarly, it will report larger results if the values are artificially inflated for profiling. Restrictions

Weigh is portable, and should work anywhere GHC’s native runtime system will work. What Information Do I Receive From Weigh?

Weigh reports a table similar to criterion or gauge except displays allocations in bytes and garbage collections by default. For example:

Case       Allocated  GCs
()                 0    0
1                  0    0
True               0    0
[0..3]           192    0

Notice that (), 1, True do not allocate any memory. This is because weigh measures heap allocations. Thus, anything that GHC concludes can be allocated at compile time, floated out of main and treated like a constant will return 0 allocations. The list allocates due to the use of List Ranges. Contrast that with a static literal version:

Base             Allocated  GCs
()                       0    0
1                        0    0
True                     0    0
[0..3]                 192    0
[0,1,2,3]                0    0

which does no allocation as expected. When should I use Weigh

Weigh is useful in the following scenarios:

  • Inspecting the memory footprint of a value, such as a data type. This could be useful to determine whether your data type will fit in a CPU cache line or not.

  • Inspecting the memory footprint of a function. This information could inform the decision to manually apply certain GHC optimizations that might not be firing. Such as Lambda Lifting or the SAT transformation.

  • Inspecting the memory footprint of a data structure or a function under a particular load. This is useful information to tune the data structure specifically for that load. For example, one might make tradeoffs that create slower writes in exchange for faster reads if the load requires exponentially more reads than writes.

  • Tracking the memory requirements and garbage collection pressure for phases or sub-systems of your program, or even defining unit tests based on the output of weigh.

  • Inspecting the performance differences of the same code compiled with different versions of GHC. How should I use Weigh

Weigh’s interface is similar to criterion’s and gauge’s. Our recommendation is to define a specific benchmark target to keep your project tidy and modular. For example, for this chapter our toy programs are weighed through this cabal target:

benchmark weigh
  type            : exitcode-stdio-1.0
  default-language: Haskell2010
  ghc-options     : -O2 -fforce-recomp
  main-is         : Main.hs
  hs-source-dirs  : bench/Weigh
  build-depends: base >= 4.15
               , containers
               , deepseq
               , weigh
               , random

Then weigh exports an API to run your code with. Here is a list of common functions to use:

  • mainWith :: Weigh a -> IO (): Similar to defaultMain in criterion. This function is the main entry point to run the tests.

  • value :: NFData a => String -> a -> Weigh (): Measure the memory allocations of a single value.

  • func :: NFData a => String -> (b -> a) -> b -> Weigh (): Measure the memory allocations that result from the input function.

  • wgroup :: String -> Weigh () -> Weigh (): Define a group of tests.

  • io :: NFData a => String -> (b -> IO a) -> b -> Weigh (): Weigh an IO action that is applied to the input argument b.

  • io :: NFData a => String -> IO a -> Weigh (): Weigh an IO action.

We recommend using func over value because GHC might float out a given value and statically allocate it. Thus the measurement will not observe the allocation. For example, consider this program:

data Foo0 = Foo0
  deriving (Generic,NFData)

data Foo1 = Foo1 Int
  deriving (Generic,NFData)

data Foo2 = Foo2 String String
  deriving (Generic,NFData)

one,two :: String
one = "one"
two = "two"

main :: IO ()
main = mainWith $ do
  value "()"         ()
  value "1"          (1 :: Int)
  value "True"       True
  value "[0..3]"     ([0..3] :: [Int])
  value "[0,1,2,3]"  ([0,1,2,3] :: [Int])
  value "Foo0"       Foo0
  func  "Foo1-func"  Foo1 1
  value "Foo1-value" (Foo1 1)
  value "one"        one
  value "Foo2"       (Foo2 one two)

One might expect (), 1, and True to be 0, 2 and 0 machine words respectively. However, this is not the case; here is the output from weigh:

Running 1 benchmarks...
Benchmark weigh: RUNNING...

Case        Allocated  GCs
()                  0    0
1                   0    0
True                0    0
[0..3]            192    0
[0,1,2,3]           0    0
Foo0                0    0
Foo1-func          16    0
Foo1-value          0    0
one               144    0
Foo2              336    0
Benchmark weigh: FINISH

Notice that built in types such as () and True do not do any allocation. This is because these types are wired-in to GHC, which means that there is a single shared () in GHC, so our call to value "()" () performs no allocation because it references the shared (). This is also true for True. 1 performs no allocation during the runtime of our program because GHC realizes it is a CAF and float it out of main; and similarly so for [0,1,2,3] and Foo0 . In contrast, the list ranges [0..3] and ([0,1,2],[3,4,5]) do perform allocation during runtime. Foo1-func allocates because we used func which forces the creation of Foo1 at runtime. Foo1-value performs no runtime allocation because GHC will detect it as a CAF just like True, () and 1. This is also why Foo2 allocates; under the hood the Foo2 value is a CAF, and its fields one and two are shared, but one and two are allocated at runtime via the unpackCString# primitive. Here is the relevant Core:

-- RHS size: {terms: 3, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Main.main_v2 :: Foo2
 Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 10 10}]
Main.main_v2 = Main.Foo2 one two

-- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Main.one1 :: ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Addr#
 Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=True, ConLike=True,
         WorkFree=True, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 20 0}]
Main.one1 = "one"#

-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
one :: String
 Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Value=False, ConLike=True,
         WorkFree=False, Expandable=True, Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 20 0}]
one = ghc-prim:GHC.CString.unpackCString# Main.one1

Notice that Main.Foo2 calls one and two, and that one is a CAF because it has the properties Workfree=True, Value=True, and TopLvl=True. But the payload of one, Main.one1, is not a CAF because it is not a value and is not work free. Examples Better Output By Setting Columns

Weigh’s default configuration is good enough, but we can query for more data than just allocations and garbage collections using the function setColumns:

main :: IO ()
main = mainWith $ do
  setColumns [Case, Allocated, Max, Live, GCs, MaxOS] -- new
  value "()"         ()
  value "1"          (1 :: Int)
  value "True"       True
  value "[0..3]"     ([0..3] :: [Int])
  value "[0,1,2,3]"  ([0,1,2,3] :: [Int])
  value "Foo0"       Foo0
  func  "Foo1-func"  Foo1 1
  value "Foo1-value" (Foo1 1)
  value "one"        one
  value "Foo2"       (Foo2 one two)

which yields:

Running 1 benchmarks...
Benchmark weigh: RUNNING...

Case        Allocated  Max  Live  GCs  MaxOS
()                  0  456   456    0      0
1                   0  456   456    0      0
True                0  456   456    0      0
[0..3]            192  504   504    0      0
[0,1,2,3]           0  456   456    0      0
Foo0                0  456   456    0      0
Foo1-func          16  472   472    0      0
Foo1-value          0  456   456    0      0
one               144  504   504    0      0
Foo2              336  552   552    0      0
Benchmark weigh: FINISH

and now we can see total bytes allocated, the maximum residency memory, the total amount of live data on the heap, the number of garbage collections, and the maximum memory in use by the RTS, which in these simple examples is always 0. Observe GHC Optimizations on your Data Type

GHC is a good optimizing compiler and by using weigh we can investigate how GHC is optimizing our program. Consider these data types:

data LotsOfInts = A Int Int
                | B Int Int
                | C Int Int
                | D Int Int
                | E Int Int
       deriving (Generic,NFData)

data LotsOfInts2 = A2 Int Int
                 | B2 Int Int
                 | C2 Int Int
                 | D2 Int Int
                 | E2 Int Int
                 | F2 Int Int
                 | G2 Int Int
                 | H2 Int Int
          deriving (Generic,NFData)

With no optimizations taking place we would expect that a value of LotsOfInts requires 3 machine words: one for the data constructor header, one for a pointer for each field. The payloads are simply Int which requires two machine words each, one for the I# constructor and one for the payload Int#. Note that we could directly use unboxed Ints (that is store Int# instead of Int in LotsOfInts), each constructor would still require three words only instead of storing pointers we would be storing the actual payload. Let’s measure how many bytes a value of LotsOfInts and LotsOfInts2 requires:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}

module Main where

import Weigh

data LotsOfInts = A Int Int
                | B Int Int
                | C Int Int
                | D Int Int
                | E Int Int
       deriving (Generic,NFData)

data LotsOfInts2 = A2 Int Int
                 | B2 Int Int
                 | C2 Int Int
                 | D2 Int Int
                 | E2 Int Int
                 | F2 Int Int
                 | G2 Int Int
                 | H2 Int Int
                 | I2 Int Int
          deriving (Generic,NFData)

-- notice that we'll use both value, and func to cover our bases
main :: IO ()
main = mainWith $ do
  setColumns [Case, Allocated, Max, Live, GCs, MaxOS]
  value "value: A Lot Of Ints"  (A 1000 1001)
  func  "func:  A Lot Of Ints"  (A 1000) 1001
  value "value: A Lot Of Ints2" (A2 1000 1001)
  func  "func:  A Lot Of Ints2" (A2 1000) 1001

which produces:

Benchmark weigh: RUNNING...

Case                   Allocated  Max  Live  GCs  MaxOS
value: A Lot Of Ints           0  456   456    0      0
func:  A Lot Of Ints          24  480   480    0      0
value: A Lot Of Ints2         72  456   456    0      0
func:  A Lot Of Ints2         96  480   480    0      0
Benchmark weigh: FINISH

We expected LotsOfInts to take a 3 machine words (or 24 bytes on a 64-bit machine, 12 on a 32-bit machine) for a single value. However, we find that instead of 24 bytes a new value allocates 0. In contrast, the function version of LotsOfInts allocates 24 bytes. There are several things happening here: First, A 1000 1001 is recognized as a CAF by GHC and allocated at compiled time; which is why we do not see any allocation measured by weigh at runtime. Second, GHC allocates 24 bytes for the function version because partially applying (A 1000) to 1001 requires allocating 1001 (two words) and a pointer to 1001 (one word).

We should expect that LotsOfInts and LotsOfInts2 would have identical memory characteristics because the only difference between them is the number of constructors (five vs nine). We find that is not the case, instead LotsOfInts2 allocates much more memory (3x!) than LotsOfInts. Furthermore, a value of LotsOfInts2 allocates 9 words (72 bytes), which is 6 more words than expected and indicates that the value was not detected as a CAF. What we’re observing is the benefits of pointer-tagging optimizations (see Marlow et al. [4]). When a datatype has 8 or less (4 or less on 32-bit machines) constructors GHC uses the last 3-bits (2-bits on 32-bit) of the constructor’s pointer to store information about the constructor. This produces a significant speedup and lowers memory costs in many ways: It allows the runtime system to avoid checking the Info Table for arity and payload information, which improves branch prediction and function calls. It speeds up case-expressions because the runtime system does not need to enter the scrutinee to determine the constructor. Thus, it is a good idea to keep the number of constructors for crucial datatypes at 8 or less.

We can double check that pointer-tagging is the culprit by removing a constructor from LotsOfInts2:

data LotsOfInts2 = A2 Int Int
                 | B2 Int Int
                 | C2 Int Int
                 | D2 Int Int
                 | E2 Int Int
                 | F2 Int Int
                 | G2 Int Int
                 | H2 Int Int
                 -- now we have exactly 8 constructors
                 -- | I2 Int Int
          deriving (Generic,NFData)

which produces:

Benchmark weigh: RUNNING...

Case                   Allocated  Max  Live  GCs  MaxOS
value: A Lot Of Ints           0  456   456    0      0
func:  A Lot Of Ints          24  480   480    0      0
value: A Lot Of Ints2          0  456   456    0      0
func:  A Lot Of Ints2         24  480   480    0      0
Benchmark weigh: FINISH

And now LotsOfInts2 behaves exactly like LotsOfInts.


If you check the STG for the nine constructor version of LotsOfInts2 you’ll find that the root of the allocations come from the Generic and NFData instances. The functions these instances generate use an extra case-expression to scrutinize a value of LotsOfInts2, and in STG (and Core) that extra case expression means extra allocation. In addition to the extra case-expression, the nine constructor version disables inlining and SAT optimizations. Summary

We have explored using the weigh library to do a shallow inspection of the memory performance of a data type or function. Weigh is easy to setup and low weight, so it a useful tool before reaching for more invasive methods. One should use weigh to collect data for memory regressions, to verify mental models of GHC’s optimizations on data types in micro-benchmarks, or to inspect memory behavior of a program under a particular load. References and Further Reading

  1. The FPComplete blog post on weigh