1.3. Philosophies of Optimization

What does it mean to optimize a code base? What is optimization? If we do not understand what it means to optimize, then how can we possibly optimize a code base? In this chapter, we present philosophies of optimization to answers these questions. These ideas hail from the performance oriented culture of video game developers [1], we’ve only summarized them here.

There are three philosophies of optimization, they are:

1.3.1. Optimization

This is actual optimization, the idea is to change the implementation to target a specific machine or kind of machine. The following tasks are optimization tasks:

  1. Checking the specifications of the machine to determine how fast the machine can do the mathematical operations the workload and program implementation require.

  2. Inspecting the operations the program is required to do to ensure they are optimal for the machine the implementation will run on. For example, altering the implementation to avoid specific assembly instructions such as jmp and instead generating cmov.

  3. Ensuring that the algorithm the code implements is optimal for the workload.

  4. Benchmarking the implementation and comparing the results to the theoretical maximum the machine is capable of, and then inspecting the implementation’s runtime to determine where exactly the program slows down.

An example of optimization in Haskell would be tuning the runtime system flags to the machine the program will run on. For example, building the program with no-tables-next-to-code because we have measured that tables-next-to-code increases L1 cache-misses for the machine we intend to run on production.

Actual optimization is hard and time consuming. There is a time and place for it, but it should not be the bulk of your optimization work in normal circumstances because its benefits are overly specific to one kind of machine. So in the general case, where you are writing software that runs on machines you don’t know anything about, you should instead optimize via non-pessimization.

1.3.2. Non-Pessimization

Non-pessimization is a philosophy of crafting software where one tries to write software that does the least amount of work possible. Or in other words, this philosophy asks us to write code that minimizes extra work the CPU must do. The idea behind non-pessimization is that modern hyperscaler pipelining CPUs are extremely fast, and by not burdening the CPU with extra work, the implementation will necessarily be performant.

A typical example of pessimized code that Haskellers’ should be familiar with is an excessive use of laziness for a workload that simply does not require the laziness. For example, computing the sum of an input list with a lazy accumulator. This is an example of pessimized code because the code is requesting the CPU do extra non-necessary work. That work being the allocating thunks, and then searching for thunks distributed all about the heap. Of course each thunk will and must be eventually scrutinized, but conceptually the workload does not benefit from and does not require laziness. Thus the construction and eventual scrutinization of these thunks is simply wasted time and effort placed onto the CPU.

Key to this approach is keeping in mind what the machine must do in order to complete the work load that your program defines. Once you have grokked this thinking, writing code that does the least amount of work will follow. In the previous example of lazy accumulation, the author of that code was not thinking in terms of the machine. Had they been thinking in terms of the operations the machine must perform, then they would have observed that the thunks were superfluous to the requisite workload.

Some more examples of pessimized code are:

  1. Too much polymorphism and higher ordered functions. In general, anything that could add an Unknown Function to hot loops that we care about is, and will be unnecessary work for the CPU.

  2. Using lot’s of libraries with code that you do not understand and have not benchmarked. Libraries will prioritize whatever the library author felt was important. Note that If one of those things is performance, and you find (by empirically measuring) that the library is suitably performant for your workload then by all means use it. The point being that you should be deliberate and selective with your dependencies and should empirically assess them.

  3. Excessive use of Constructors and fancy types [2]. For non-pessimized code we want to do as little as possible. This certainly means avoiding the creation of a lot of objects that live all over the heap.

  4. Defining types with poor memory efficiency. Consider this example from GHC’s STG implementation:

    data LambdaFormInfo
    | LFThunk             -- Thunk (zero arity)
            !Bool           -- True <=> no free vars
            !Bool           -- True <=> updatable (i.e., *not* single-entry)
            !Bool           -- True <=> *might* be a function type

The constructor LFThunk has five fields, three of which are Bool. This means, in the abstract, that we only need three bits to store the information that these Bool’s represent. Yet in this constructor each Bool will be padded by GHC to a machine word. Therefore, each Bool is represented with 64-bits on a typical x86_64 machine (32-bits for x86 and for other backends such as the JavaScript backend). Thus, one LFThunk heap object will require 320 bits (192 bits for the Bool’s, 128 for the other two fields), of which 188 bits will always be zero because they are wasted space. Similarly, TopLevelFlag is isomorphic to a Bool:

data TopLevelFlag
= TopLevel
| NotTopLevel
deriving Data

So a more efficient representation only requires 4 bits and then a pointer to StandardFormInfo for a total of 66 bits. However, this must still be aligned and padded; yielding a total of 72 bits, which is a 77% improvement in memory efficiency.

Non-pessimization should be the bulk of your optimization efforts. Not only is it portable to other machines, but it is also simpler and more future proof than actual optimization.

1.3.3. Fake Optimization

Fake optimization is a philosophy of performance that will not lead to better code or better performance. Rather, fake optimization is advice that one finds around the internet. These are sayings such as “You should never use <Foo>!”, or “Google doesn’t use <Bar> therefore you shouldn’t either!”, or “you should always use arrays and never use linked-lists”. Notice that each of these statements are categorical; they claim something is always fast or slow or one should never or always use something or other.

These statements are called fake optimizations because they are advice or aphorisms that are divorced from the context of your code, the problem your code wants to solve and the work it must perform to do so. An algorithm or data structure is not universally bad or good, or fast or slow. It could be the case that for a particular workload, and for a particular memory access pattern, a linked-list is the right choice. The key point is that whether an algorithm or data structure is fast or not depends on numerous factors. Factors such as what your program has to do, what the properties of the data your program is processing are, and what the memory access patterns are. Another example of a fake optimization statement is “quick-sort is always faster than insertion sort”. This is a fake optimization because while quick-sort has better time complexity than insertion sort, for small lists (usually less than 30 elements) insertion sort will be more performant [3].

The key idea is that the performance of your code is very sensitive to the specific problem and data the code operates on. So beware of fake optimization statements for they will waste your time and iteration cycles.

1.4. References and Footnotes