1.1. How to Use This Book¶
1.1.1. Purpose¶
This book is written as a handbook for the intrepid Haskell developer. It attempts to make clear aspects of GHC-based Haskell so that performance optimizations and recommendations are actionable, rather than mysterious invocations whispered around the internet.
1.1.2. Intended Audience¶
The Haskell Optimization Handbook is intended for developers using Haskell in their day to day life for money or pleasure. It assumes the audience is proficient with pure functional programming concepts, such as recursion, purity, higher-ordered functions, functors, applicative functors, monads et cetera., and the basics of the Haskell ecosystem, such as using cabal or stack to compile and run a project.
1.1.3. What will I need?¶
You need only code you are interested in optimizing and the will to go down the optimization rabbit hole. If you have no code to optimize, then you may consider picking your favorite Haskell library and attempting to optimize that!
The book assumes you are using GHC 9.2.x and a Linux distribution (kernel
version 5.8
and higher). Should you be using an older compiler than some
sections, such as using EventLog; which arrived in GHC 8.8
may still be useful, while others such as using Cachegrind; which relies on
DWARF symbols (added in GHC 8.10.x
) may not be applicable.
Similarly, some chapters, such as using perf will only be
applicable for Linux and Linux based operating systems.
1.1.4. Notation¶
Code examples are written in Haskell unless otherwise noted. Other notation follows standards in programming language theory and computer science academic discourse:
\(\perp\) to mean the bottom value
\(Foo[x \rightarrow e]\) to mean the result of substituting \(e\) for \(x\) in \(Foo\), and
Big-O notation: \(\mathcal{O}(n\log{}n)\), to mean the asymptotic running times of algorithms. In particular, if an algorithm takes \(\mathcal{O}(n \log{} n)\) time, then it can process any set of \(n\) input items in at most \(c*n \log{} n\) time, for some fixed constant \(c\).
1.1.5. Where to Begin¶
The book is structured into discrete independent parts to better serve as a handbook and is not meant to be read in a linear order. Instead, one should pick and choose which chapter to read next based on their needs because the book assumes you have a problem that needs solving.
The best place to start is triage, this should help you narrow down your next steps. If you are short on time, or just have a problem to solve, then skip to the checklist.
The book is roughly divided into two parts: Part 1, focuses on measurement, profiling and observation of Haskell programs. This part is ordered from the bottom-up; it begins with tools and probes that are language agnostic and close to the machine, such as perf and cachegrind, then proceeds through each intermediate representation (IR) describing the tools, probes, and information available at each IR.
Part 2, provides an ordered sequence of techniques to optimize code. It is ordered from the easiest methods, such as choosing the right libraries; to the hardest and more invasive methods, such as exploiting backpack for fine-grained Unboxed data types or exploiting Levity Polymorphism to control the runtime representation of a data type.
1.1.6. Goals¶
HOH is:
A freely available online book.
Is actionable: A reader can read a section and apply a technique to make progress for their problem.
Is relevant: Case studies are not manufactured examples, rather they originate from real world code.
Is practical: Content that describes a performance technique describes how to implement it, when to use it, and its observable effect on a code base. Content that describes a method of analysis describes what the method is, how to use the method, what the perceived results of the method should be and relevant signals in the output of the method. For example, the GHC heap profiling section should describe what heap profiling is, how to do the heap profiling, what the output should look like, and most importantly a gallery of examples of poor performing heap profiles and an explanation of why they are poor performing.
Community driven.
Maintained and updated over time, with supported versions of GHC beginning at 8.10.x (for DWARF symbols).
Understandable for intermediate to expert Haskell developers.
1.1.7. Non-Goals¶
HOH does not have:
Content suitable for beginner functional programmers.
Explanations of project setup, build tools, using or setting up a shell or deployment of any kind, instructions on installing any third party tools for a given platform.
Descriptions, analyses and explanations of functional algorithms or data structures. Content will instead be “Try unordered-containers if you have this or that set of constraints”, rather than “This is what a banker’s queue [1] or HAMT is …”.
A monad or monad transformer tutorial. This is assumed knowledge in the audience.