
June 24, 2024

The Haskell Certification Program

Serokell and The Haskell Foundation

Serokell and the Haskell Foundation are excited to announce a community-led Haskell Certification program. Serokell has developed an online testing platform for administering practical and theoretical Haskell problems. Haskell is a complex language, offering a wide range of techniques and features for programmers. It’s simply not feasible for a novice or intermediate programmer to master them all. The goal of the Haskell certification is to help standardize what it means to ‘know Haskell’ at various levels of experience.

As a community driven effort, we are soliciting self-nomination for volunteers to take part in the organization and decision-making around the certification process. These volunteers will help determine how the certification process evolves and which questions are relevant to the various experience levels of a Haskell programmer. Volunteers from organizations that use Haskell professionally are especially welcome.

Please send your self-nomination to by the end of July 10th 2024.

April 4, 2024

Stackage Handover Completed

Bryan Richter, DevOps Engineer

I’m happy to announce the completion of the handover of to the Haskell Foundation.

Thanks to FP Complete’s effort and dedication, Stack and Stackage have been part of the Haskell community for ten years. These tools opened up wider adoption of Haskell and introduced new ways of working on Haskell projects of all sizes. The Stack approach to dependency management—using fixed package sets—offered an alternative to the solver-based approach used by cabal-install. While useful in its own right, simply having more than one approach to dependency management spurred development across the ecosystem. Today we see friendly collaboration and cross-pollination between the Stack and Cabal communities. I believe we have already entered a period of renewed evolution of the Haskell tooling world.

The Haskell Foundation’s mission is to broaden Haskell adoption by supporting its ecosystem of tools, libraries, education, and research. Administering Stackage is a direct embodiment of that mission! As administrators, we look forward to supporting the developers and curators of the Stack and Stackage. These tools have always been open to community contribution, and that is only more true now. The Foundation facilitates the community, but it’s the community that drives innovation. I’m looking forward to what comes next.

Once again, thank you to FP Complete for providing these tools, and thank you to the Haskell Foundation’s sponsors for enabling this kind of work.

December 6, 2023

Haskell Foundation November 2023 Update

José Manuel Calderón Trilla posted the November 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

September 22, 2023

Haskell Foundation September 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the September 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

September 21, 2023

Charting a course toward a stable API for GHC

Alexis King announced a new Haskell Foundation initiative to make it easier to develop and maintain quality tooling for Haskell.

September 4, 2023

Haskell Foundation August 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the August 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

August 3, 2023

Haskell Foundation July 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the July 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

July 14, 2023

GHC DevOps

Bryan Richter posted his yearly log, describing his tasks and progress over the last year of contributions to the GHC CI infrastructure.

2023 GHC Contributor's Workshop - Retrospective

From 7-9 June, 2023, the HF, the GHC team, and OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences organized a workshop on contributing to GHC in Rapperwil, Switzerland. David Thrane Christiansen posted the retrospective for the event. In addition, professionally-edited videos of the presentations have been released.

July 7, 2023

Haskell Foundation May and June 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the May and June 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

May 12, 2023

Haskell Foundation April 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the April 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

April 12, 2023

Haskell Foundation March 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the March 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

March 1, 2023

Haskell Foundation February 2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the February 2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

February 23, 2023

Board Vacancies

The Haskell Foundation is seeking four new members for the board. The Board provides the strategic leadership for the Foundation, and is the final decision-making body for everything the Foundation does. More specifically, it ensures that the Foundation is working toward achieving its mission, and it appoints and supervises senior members of Foundation staff.

Nominations are due by March 1, 2023.

February 1, 2023

Haskell Foundation December and January 2022-2023 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the December and January 2022-2023 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

December 1, 2022

Haskell Foundation August and September 2022 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the October and November 2022 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

September 30, 2022

Haskell Foundation August and September 2022 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the August and September 2022 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

August 1, 2022

Haskell Foundation July 2022 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the July 2022 Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

July 1, 2022

Haskell Foundation June 2022 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the June Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

June 1, 2022

Haskell Foundation May 2022 Update

David Thrane Christiansen posted the May Foundation update in our community’s Discourse instance.

May 3, 2022

Haskell Foundation April Update

Richard Eisenberg posted the April Foundation update.

October 29, 2021

Haskell Foundation October Update

Andrew Boardman posted the October Foundation update.

October 18, 2021

Into the Future

We have announced our first major strategy!

October 1, 2021

Haskell Foundation September Seven Month Update Extravaganza

To mark the seven month anniversary of the Haskell Foundation’s Executive Team first day on the job, Andrew Boardman posted our first big Medium Blog Post.

August 31, 2021

Haskell Foundation August Update

Andrew Boardman posted the August Foundation update.

July 30, 2021

Haskell Foundation July Update

Andrew Boardman posted the July Foundation update.

June 30, 2021

Haskell Foundation June Update

Andrew Boardman posted the June Foundation update.

May 28, 2021

Haskell Foundation May Update

Andrew Boardman posted the May Foundation update.

April 29, 2021

Haskell Foundation April Update

Andrew Boardman posted the April Foundation update.

March 19, 2021

Haskell Foundation March Update

Andrew Boardman posted the March Foundation update.

February 9, 2021

Haskell Foundation Executive Director and Chief Technology Officer

February 1, 2021

Announcing the Haskell Foundation Board

December 7, 2020

Haskell Foundation Seeks Executive Director

The Haskell Foundation is seeking a full-time Executive Director.

November 5, 2020

Haskell Foundation Board Of Directors Call For Nominations

The Haskell Foundation has issued a call for nominations to the Board of Directors. Nominations will remain open until January 11, 2021. New Board members will be selected by the interim members of the Board of Directors.

Haskell Foundation Announced

Today Simon Peyton-Jones announced the formation of The Haskell Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on increasing adoption of the Haskell programming language. Watch the announcemnt here.

Individual Sponsors
GitHub IOHK Juspay Meta
CarbonCloud Digital Asset ExFreight Mercury Obsidian Systems Platonic Systems Tweag Well-Typed
Artificial Channable FlipStone Freckle Google HERP MLabs TripShot
To learn more about the Haskell Foundation
Haskell Foundation, Inc.
2093 Philadelphia Pike #8119
Claymont, DE 19703