13 – David Christiansen

Recorded 2022-05-09. Published 2022-06-09.

David Christiansen is interviewed by Alejandro Serrano and Wouter Swierstra. They talk about many functional programming things, from Idris to Racket and of course Haskell and David’s new role as the executive director of Haskell Foundation.


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Alejandro Serrano Mena: Hello. Welcome to another episode of the Haskell Interlude. Today with my co-host Wouter Swierstra we have David Christensen, the new director of the Haskell Foundation.

Wouter Swierstra: Hello.

David Christensen: Hello.

AS: I’m very happy that you’re here. We often start this conversation by asking our guest “How did you get into Haskell?”, but I would say in your case we’d also ask “How did you get into this world of functional programming?” because you’ve actually been touching many different aspects of these different communities.

DC: So, when I was learning programming I first learned to program when I was a little kid on the BASIC that you got when you booted up computers at the time without a DOS disk inserted. But I never really was particularly serious about it until sort of my late teenage years. And, as is typical for someone in their late teenage years, I really wanted to sort of have things to believe in. So I bounced around a bit between programming ideologies and I was like “Yes, Smalltalk will be the future” and things like that for a while. And, eventually, I developed relationships sort of with two programming language communities over time – that being the Lisp and the ML traditions of functional programming. And, you know, both of them made a lot of claims about math and things like that. But I wasn’t in any real position to assess those claims and weigh them on the evidence. But it appealed to my emotions and I kind of kept doing them. I first encountered Haskell by reading the so-called “A Gentle Introduction to Haskell” that was floating around back then in the early 2000s. I say “so-called” because it was somewhat less gentle than its title would lead you to believe. I remember spending a lot of time being very puzzled as to what was going on and trying to convince my professors to let me write assignments in Haskell when they really wanted me to do it in C++ and that kind of things. Then I graduated, I actually ended up with having a degree in philosophy rather than in computer science for various reasons. I kind of did other work for a while: I did some database development, I filled up printers with papers, and I always thought Haskell was fun and I tried to participate in the ICFP Programming Contest a couple of times – never did all that well. Eventually I got a little bit bored with the jobs I was doing. I lived in Copenhagen, and in Denmark the society really does care that you have the right degree for the job you want to get. And my background in philosophy and the fact that I only had a Bachelor’s Degree – which is not considered a sort of standard degree to finish with in Denmark –, meant that it was time for me to go and study again if I wanted to be qualified for other jobs. So I went to the University of Copenhagen and managed to very badly fail the Category Theory class in my first semester. I bit a little bit more than I could chew. But I was sort of interested in the research side of the university and eventually I ended up getting recruited into a PhD program. And from there I could basically work with what I wanted to work with and, you know, attack problems from interesting angles. And so I did some work with Scala and also with Haskell and I eventually started working on Idris while I was a PhD student. That was written in Haskell and was a great opportunity to actually learn Haskell properly.

WS: So, what did you do your PhD on? Because you mentioned Idris a little bit but that’s, I think, what I know you from the least.

DC: Yeah, so funny enough, when I started my PhD project I didn’t think that I was going to be working on type theory or programming languages or sort of that style of programming languages at least. The original plan was that I would be helping develop a domain specific language for representing life insurance products and pension products such that we could compute with them on GPU and generate solvency calculations that would live up to the EU just in time for the Solvency II regulations which came into effect after the financial crisis. From there, I’ve been reading a lot about type systems and such. I though, well, actually, you know, “money today doesn’t have the same value as money tomorrow”. So shouldn’t my type systems catch me if I forget to discount it? So I thought “what if I index the currency type by the time?” and then I started getting into a little bit of a rabbit hole. Then I went to summer school, because that’s something that PhD students in Europe do quite a lot. And Edwin Brady had a class on Idris there, which was a fairly new project at the time. And I remember sitting in this room in St Andrews trying to do my homework and being very very frustrated that there was no tab completion at the REPL. I thought “I could do this! I know functional programming!” and that’s why I implemented tab completion for the Idris REPL. I thought that was pretty fun. And I started working more and more on it and eventually that’s what I ended up working on. So I ended up being in a combined Master’s and PhD program and my Master’s thesis was essentially how do I put unsafePerformIO in the Idris type system, packaged up in the sense of how can we use this to do something like F#’s type providers. But rather that doing compile time code generation, just running IO actions and then computing types based on the result.

AS: So, maybe going one step back. We’ve mentioned Idris and I don’t know if everybody knows about Idris. If you can give us, you know, a couple of hints of what it is and how is it different from Haskell…

DC: Sure. So, Idris looks a lot like Haskell on the surface, except it uses : instead of :: to separate types from the things that they describe. On the other hand it’s got strict evaluation and it has what we call full dependent types. And that means that there is no fundamental difference between types and other kind of things you can have in your program. So you can write a function that returns a type, you can write a type that contains a value. And, just like in Haskell you can have, you know, a list. And the list is parameterized by the type of things contained in the list. And, the classic example that you always get in these tutorials on dependent types is that you can have a type of list that also tells you how long it is. And then you can make the signature of append not say just [a] -> [a] -> [a] but it might say “list of a with length n -> list of a with length k -> list of a with length n + k. And that (+) is the very same (+) that you use to add numbers at runtime. But here we also run it at compile time, during type checking. This allows you to use your type checker essentially as a logic. Your type systems becomes an expressive logic that you could use to encode essentially arbitrary mathematical statements and then you get the nice property that the programs that inhabit these types are then proofs of those mathematical statements. So the fact that you can write essentially whatever math you want means that you can use these dependent type systems to do mathematics where the machine is making sure you don’t make certain kinds of mistakes and can also help you out in doing certain boring things. It also means that you can encode pretty interesting stuff about your program in the type signature and it becomes much more convenient to do so than if you have a language that wasn’t designed for this from the get-go. So you can talk about, you know, terms that by construction are well scoped and then your scope checker could emit a guaranteed well-scoped term from a term typed by a user, and also a proof that it corresponds to it in the right way. You can say that a sorting function returns a permutation of its input that happens to be ordered with respect to the given ordering. These kind of things are pretty fun but I actually think that the most fun part about dependent types is not so much that you can do all this – this is what you write on the grant application to get people to be interested in it, people interested in things like correctness and security, because these are important things. But, what really grabs me is that you can also use it as part of enabling a different kind of dialogue between the programmer and the compiler. If I am able to express my desired very clearly to the computer then the computer is then in a position to help me fulfill my desires. So, going back to the example of the lists with their length in them, if I’m trying to write that function and I’m maybe not very used to the language yet, yes, it’s great that it is going to rule out the thing that always returns the empty list. But it’s also pretty nice that while I do a case split and I can see I got to cases, one where one of the list is empty and one where is not. In the case when it is empty we know that its length was 0 and then we see that the length that we need to return is actually the length of the other argument and the computer can pick it for me and it usually picks it right. So, this is pretty fun, and we can also get more informative error messages. If you look at what I did back when I had time to work on Idris, I did things like make it so you could right click on a type in an error message and expand all the type synonyms. All of this interactive stuff, I think there’s a lot of untapped potential there still. There’s a lot going on in various language communities that’s very interesting but I think we still have space to do a lot of really cool stuff that we haven’t done yet.

WS: Yeah, so you’re saying types are more like a specification and then one you write this down you have this type-driven development where you’re thinking about the types which then guide the program itself one you have a precis amount of types.

DC: I don’t think that the program write itself. I think that that’s a bit of an overstatement of the case. Because there’s always a balance on how precise you want to make your type and still have it be useful. There’s a lot of software engineering concerns that are still relevant like modularity and things like that that you can hurt by having a type that is precise in the wrong way. But trying to write down an informative type, failing to write the program, is a really good way to increase your understanding about what should go on and then, even if the program doesn’t write itself, the boring parts do, and that’s pretty fun.

WS: I think there are a lot of example of where if you think like about a map on vectors or these length indexed lists. There are many different implementations of functions which have that type signature. But there’s like one obvious one and then having a specific type can actually help you uncover the obvious one that is the one that you are looking for.

DC: For small examples I think that’s true, but for larger programs it’s less true.

WS: Sure, I can see that.

AS: Speaking about dialogues you have also written one of these books in a dialectical style, “The Little Typer”, following the tradition of “The Little Schemer” and so on. I have to say I was puzzled because I have read “The Little Schemer” which is like a thin book and then “The Little Typer” is kind of a bit bigger. But I mean you also get more information in return, right? So, I was wondering how that came about. I mean, I’ve always felt like dependent types was a very niche thing and this is taking dependent types from the perspective of a Lisp programming language then getting all of this written down. So I’m really wondering how did all of this came out?

DC: so the way that it came about is that Dan Friedman, who’s one of the two authors of “The Little Schemer”, had been getting interested in dependent types for a while. At the time when all this was getting going I was doing an internship with Galois, during my PhD. One of my colleagues there, Adam Fulzer – he knows Dan pretty well, he grew up in Bloomington –, he knew that Dan had these interests. He met me and knew that I had these interests and he thought “I think these two would get along” and he put us in contact with each other. Then we met up in one of those conferences and we had some dinner and we thought “let’s do this” and Dan was interested in dependent types in part because of this interesting correspondence between programming and proving and that always intrigued him – is where he can connect math and computer science and logic and things like that. He’s a big fan of the early 20th century period in logic and all the interesting foundation stuff that’s happened there. He does a lot of reading about those things. And you mentioned that “The Little Typer” is much longer than “The Little Schemer”. This is true, we tried to make it shorter. So, “The Little Schemer” is not a book about Scheme, it’s a book about how to teach you to think in recursion. And “The Little Typer” we wanted to have a book where if you read everything and understood everything you emerged having what I think is a basic level of understanding, you are now equipped to go and do other things with these ideas. I think that in order to do that we really needed to do some things that just required some space. The bar we set was that you can prove decidability of equality for natural numbers. And “The Little Typer” is really a book about the core ideas behind something like Agda or Coq or Idris or Lean, rather than how to use them to do practical things. The most practical thing we do in “The Little Typer” is determining whether a number is even or odd. And that’s not so practical. But we really tried to show what are the foundational ways of thinking that will allow you to understand the kernel of a system like that. We didn’t think that there was another good resource out there for this, unless you had a really heavy math background. We wanted to do this for people who, you know, they knew how to write a program, they did some programming, maybe they read the first two thirds of “The Little Schemer” so they’d seen some lambdas and some recursion. But we didn’t want to require you to know a ton of stuff because there’s already books that do that and we think that if you look at it the right ideas don’t require all those other apparatuses.

WS: And, in hindsight, do you feel like the book was a success? For me, I appreciate the point that you’re making that many of these books on dependent types or type theory or even books like “Types & Programming Languages” which are meant to be graduate level courses on PL, they still require pretty heavy reading in a way, right? It’s not something that I would take with me on a desert island. So that’s what I like about the project. But at the same time, if I’m critical, I sometimes wonder, is Scheme really the best language to bring these ideas across? Or, how do you feel looking back on the book?

DC: Well, there’s really hardly any Scheme in the book to be hones. At various points in time, we make references to a shared cultural understanding amongst Scheme programmers and make jokes about notation and that sort of things. But, the language used in the book is one that we came up with for the book. And notationally it does have lots of parentheses and it puts the operators first in an expression rather than at some arbitrary point in the middle. But, aside for that, it’s actually much more like the core language of something like Coq than it is like Scheme. And, whether or not you like parentheses I think it’s mostly a matter of taste. We discussed whether we wanted to use parentheses or not, we had really hoped to have a complete implementation of the language as part of the book. That was sort of an early goal that we had. Using the parenthesized notation allowed us to skip writing a parser and so that was one practical reason why we did it. It ended up being that the implementation couldn’t fit it in – the publisher gave us a maximum number of pages and we looked at the chapter we’d written about the implementation and said “well, looks like we have to transcribe all of this to a bunch of inference rules because we can’t actually fit the whole thing”. And that’s something I’m a little bit sad about. But I think the question perhaps rephrased could be “Does it make the most sense to use an existing language to teach this or to come up with our own little language?” And there, the reason for coming up with our own language – because we did talk about using Agda – is that existing languages are designed to get the work done. That means they have lots of automation, they have a lot of things that do work for you. And we wanted to make people work, because by making them do the work that the computer would do in a real implementation, they’d then seen what that work is and perhaps come to understand it a little bit more.

WS: Sure.

DC: I don’t think you should use our language for anything practical.

WS: I’m not debating that point.

DC: Yeah, that’s our thought process.

WS: I can certainly see that taking any dependently typed language, whether is Agda, Coq or what have you, you immediately inherit all the historical baggage and notation and all of that. Which is maybe not something you want to get bogged in if you just want to get the ideas across about type systems and dependent types.

DC: Also, most of those let you write recursive functions and we really want people to think in eliminators. And that means getting you off of the habit of writing explicitly recursive functions. I think, today, if we were to start the project again, it could be interesting instead of implementing the language by hand the way we did to implement it in Lean 4’s macro system because the kernel of Lean 4 is all based on eliminators. I think it would be reasonably within the realms of an acceptable amount of work to create an alternative frontend language that didn’t have the features we didn’t want.

AS: So we mentioned several other dependently typed languages like Agda, Lean, Coq, all of those. But how do you fell as a way to approach for those people who are learning the dependently typed part of Haskell and want to understand this kind of things you are mentioning, like how to encode vectors with their length and those kind of things. Do you think “The Little Typer” is a good approach? Do you think that there is maybe a different approach which would be more beneficial to people who already know Haskell and want to jump into this background.

DC: To be honest, I don’t know what the best resource is. I think “The Little Typer” could be relevant if you want to understand the ideas and the ways of thinking that are behind dependent type theory. That may or may not help you if your goal is to work on a codebase that somebody has written in a sort of dependently typed Haskell style. I have worked on such code bases and I always found myself sort of writing Idris in my head and kind of hand compiling it to a Haskell encoding. So I would actually learn to use one of these existing languages in which dependent types are sort of first class part of the language, designed in from the start, where it is more convenient, the error messages are designed with that in mind, and where libraries are designed with that in mind. And then, go back and think about yourself as encoding things as Haskell becomes more and more convenient over time. There may be a really good written resource but I didn’t get there by that route, so I don’t know what it is.

AS: So it’s interesting because it mimics a bit my experience that when you start with simple Haskell, you don’t really need to understand how the type system works too much – it just kind of works – but as as people progress it seems that you really need to understand the quirks of the type system. Especially in Haskell, because, as you’re saying, we sometimes more than writing things down, we write them in our heads and then encode it in Haskell as we can because the type level is not as expressive. So do you actually think this will maybe lead to Haskell working in that direction, moving into a way where you don’t have to encode things but really write what you mean?

DC: I know that there are active members of the community who want to make that a reality and I hope that these things become easier to encode. Because people are going to be encoding them so we might as well have clear code bases instead of confusing ones. I don’t know whether something is to be said for not being too fancy with your types when writing Haskell code. I think that Hindley-Milner plus higher kinded type plus type classes is popular for a reason which is that it’s got a lot of nice properties and it’s nice to work in it. I think it’s okay, it’s like an old settings dialog box. You had to like check the show me the advanced options dialog box. I think it’s okay to have these things a little bit off to the side because I think of them today as sort of being kind of specialized tools for specialized contexts. I hope that they become more pleasant and fun and that we can use in more contexts and that more people can use them. But I don’t know for sure what’s going to happen, I mean that’s why they call it research.

AS: So now that you mentioned the check thing, this resonates with our #LANGUAGE pragmas. Maybe you’re thinking about Racket language levels, given that you’ve also made your fair share of Racket, right?

DC: Yeah, so like I mentioned earlier my two great loves of programming languages have been the sort of the broad ML tradition (including Haskell) and the broad Lisp tradition. I played around with some of these things for a while but I never had a lot of chance to get deep into them until I was lucky enough to do a post doc with Sam Tobin-Hochstadt at Indiana University. There I really got to dive deep into the world of Racket and there’s a lot of cool stuff going on there. So the feature you’re talking about is that every program in Racket starts with a line which says what language it’s written in and then the implementation uses that to go look through the installed modules and say “hey, you know this program says it’s written in Racket, so how do I parse Racket? Okay having parsed Racket how do I then interpret the resulting parse tree?” This means that if you’re willing to write #lang and then whatever the name of your language is at the top of your file you get the ability to write whatever you want. And this has been used to great effect. There’s Datalog with its own syntax. I saw an interesting demo where someone made an embedding of Java so you’d write #lang Java on the first line and this was right down to getting like rename refactoring working in the editor, was really cool stuff. This is what we used for Pie in “The Little Typer”. There we were able to reuse the Racket parser because of our parenthesized syntax. And it’s got enough knobs that we can tweak, that we could change the details of it to fit our language. It provides a really nice infrastructure for doing all sorts of things. I think that the Haskell community could actually learn quite a lot by paying more attention to what’s going on over with Racket. So, in addition to this language feature where you have a collection of coherent languages all built from the same parts, there’s also the documentation system. So, in Racket they have this documentation system called Scribble – there’s an ICFP paper about it from a few years ago. The way it works is, first off you start your files saying #lang scribble – of course, because your documentation is also a program. Then you have this markup language which is really an alternative concrete syntax for all of the constructs of Racket. And then it has functions in scope for doing things like bold text, hyperlinks,… But it also allows you to write your own functions so you could say “I’m going to write a something for describing context free grammars because I need that for this library that I’m documenting”. Then I define my context free language description sublanguage and it’s just ordinary code, I save it in the modules however I normally would, I can import it from a library the way I normally would, and then I can consistently produce context free grammars anywhere in my documentation where it makes sense. And you could do the same thing for commutative diagrams. If we had something like this for Haskell, it would be cool. Another thing that I think the Racket community gets really right is that the project’s history in education has led to it being very very easy to install by people who aren’t well versed in commandline. You download a package, you install it, you get a functioning environment immediately. You can open it up, you can type in a program, you don’t have to go create a project which is then configured with a list of modules and a license and a description just to be able to write Hello World and have it work. And you don’t technically need to do that in Haskell but really my default workflow if I want to mess around with an IDE in Racket is that I open up a file and I type in some code and it works and then from there on I can start, if it becomes like an idea that’s got some legs, I can make a project and I can declare like library dependencies and all that stuff. But there’s this really nice sort of on ramp from poking at a thing to having a thing that works without a lot of bureaucracy and overhead which I really really appreciate.

AS: Ah, something I’ve also seen when I’ve toyed a bit with Racket is that the default environments have all these super powerful features for like refactoring and seeing where things are scoped and all of that and I always found this interesting because, you know, we often say one of the virtues of Haskell is because of the types all these refactorings and so on will get better but actually it feels that Racket which by default is more of an untyped language does have better features. So I was wondering whether you think this actually doesn’t have to do with the language but with the editor or what are your thoughts on this aspect?

DC: I’ve been talking about this essay a lot lately. So, Kent Pittman wrote this essay back in 1994 called “Lambda, the Ultimate Political Party” and it’s mostly about Lisp standardization efforts that are not particularly relevant except as an item of history but he has this nice thought experiment. So what he wants to demonstrate with this thought experiment is that the most important thing about a programming language is not its technical qualities but rather the values of the community of people who it coexists with. So this thought experiment is like let’s take the C programming language and we’ll give it to the Lisp community and we’ll leave it with the C and Unix community and we will let them talk to each other and in 10 years let’s come back and check. And what do you think will have happened to see in those two and the way it evolves in those two communities? What we were supposed to conclude and what I would conclude is that clearly like C is going to have developed deliver and control operators and a garbage collector and all sorts of cool stuff on the Lisp side whereas on the Unix side it’ll have continued to be doing mostly what it’s doing today because that serves the values of that community. Likewise, I think that the nice environment for Racket is in part a result of community’s values largely coming from people who are teaching new programmers how to program and taking that very seriously as a task. And that orients your work in a certain direction. It means that you don’t do things that cater only to experts, it means that oftentimes you make tools that are worse for experts than for beginners, and this really shines through in the immediate accessibility of a lot of that stuff and the fact that it’s maintained over time. Like there’s been a lot of interesting work on making refactoring tools for Haskell. They just tend to bitrot over time because you know the grant runs out and it’s not really where the core values of our community have historically been. I think that’s starting to change, right? I mean HLS has gotten really impressive lately. It used to be, in the old days there was ghcmod – which you did some cool stuff for, Alejandro –, but it would with every GHC release, it would take a while to get updated, because it wasn’t like a core thing that that the community was behind and HLS really is. And that’s been really great to see. I think it’s a sign that we as a community are beginning to recognize that having a great language is not enough. We need great tools and our great language. And a great language can in theory enable great tools. But you got to put in the sweat to make it happen and just keep the grind going to maintain it over time and also set up your community such so that you make it easier to keep those things going over time.

WS: I can certainly see for the Haskell community: it’s gotten better, right? I mean I remember when I learned Haskell it took a PhD student a week to build GHC and nowadays at least we have like Haskell Platform and you can just download things and GHC is usually in the package manager on your distro and this is not as bad as it has been.

DC: We even have ghcup. ghcup is wonderful.

AS: I agree.

WS: But at the same time there’s always this tension between doing exciting new things in the type system with dependent types versus having a double clickable installer which comes with an IDE which works out of the box to lure beginning programmers into you know, getting a turtle to draw graphics on your screen or whatever.

AS: I actually think like this that’s not it. So what I always wonder is, okay, you have the beginner experience, that’s one thing. But for example, if you look at other, I’d say, more industrial communities – you look at Java, Scala, all of that – there is sometimes a lot of work being put by the community into making their tools great and having yet another Eclipse plugin for doing this and that. And people seem to enjoy doing this. So I think it’s not only the camp of beginners and the camp of people writing grant-like things. Why having these tools is not such an exciting thing to do for the Haskell community?

DC: I actually don’t know the answer to that. I mean, I really like working on tooling and that sort of thing and, for a while, for immigration reasons, I had to commute between Gothenburg and Copenhagen every weekend when I was a PhD student. On that train ride I could have been doing things, I could have written a paper about something, but instead I’m like “Let’s make right-clickable error messages”. So I’ve always found sort of tooling UI stuff around programming languages to be highly motivating and interesting.

WS: Well I mean I can certainly see, speaking as an academic, one of the things I notice is that you have a clear incentive to publish ideas.

DC: That’s right.

WS: And I spent some time in industry and one of the things I’ve realized was how big the difference is between something which kind of works on my machine I can write a paper about and the ideas are solid versus something which is a product which someone else can use which is documented which has all the features which people are expecting and so forth and really adds value to an end user. The same is of course true of programming languages. It’s easy to come up with a new programming language and to draw a whole bunch of inference rules and to have a prototype implementation and then publish about this versus here’s a package manager, here’s the reasonable error messages, here’s all the other stuff which kind of comes with programming language development as well.

DC: I don’t think it’s easy to come up with a programming language and write down a bunch of inference rules and get a paper published. Actually I think that’s pretty hard. But I agree that it’s a very different kind of difficult and that it requires a different attitude and different skills and a different way of looking at things. And there are people who are good at both but it it certainly is a separate collection. But, like I said earlier, I think the Haskell community, for whatever reason, has been less interested in these things historically. Maybe it’s because we had the idea that if the programming language is good enough then all those other things become irrelevant. I’ve heard people say that but I don’t know how representative they are. But I think that we’re seeing this is changing. I mean we have HLS, we have ghcup, we have people putting a lot more work into error messages and error handling and tool support. I think we’re going in the right direction.

WS: So if I look at your career, though, I think you’ve kind of switched back and forth between more academically oriented positions versus more industrial positions. Kind of in the last few years you spent time in industry working at Galois and Deon Digital and then you’ve decided to apply to be director of the Haskell Foundation. So what triggered that switch?

DC: So the first of those switches, toward the end of the postdoc I realized that if I wanted to have a chance in academia I’d have to be willing to move all over the place for quite a while, I’d almost certainly need another postdoc, work really hard on cranking out a lot of papers, and that seemed less conducive to familial happiness than getting a job and living in one place for a while and all those things. So I had an internship at Galois – I essentially wrote to them and applied and then went there after the postdoc. I had a great time at Galois, I was treated very well, I got to work on a lot of interesting things. But after we had our daughter, we thought we want to come back to Denmark and for various reasons it was difficult to work remotely from outside the US for Galois due to contracting requirements and those kind of things. I looked around a bit and that’s how I ended up working at Deon Digital where I was mostly doing programming language tooling for an in-house DSL which was tons and tons of fun. I’d probably kept doing it but then I was encouraged by multiple people to get in touch with Haskell Foundation. I thought “well, okay if a few people get in touch with me and say you should do this, then I should take it seriously”. In talking to members of the board and the previous executive director and the previous CTO and a bunch of other people who are sort of associated with and who volunteer with the HF, I thought “well, here’s a pretty rare opportunity to come in and help out this programming language community that I’ve been a part of”. I’ve seen ways that Haskell has contributed a lot of value out in industrial positions and I’ve also seen times that we had to retreat from a Haskell position – for example at Deon Digital we had to rewrite some of our Haskell code in Kotlin because we needed to run on a JVM for various reasons. I’ve seen, I think, the positives and the negatives, I have some experience there at least, I think I have a reasonable technical background and I just really care a lot about Haskell and I really want the language and its community of practitioners to succeed in new ways that we haven’t succeeded before. I thought “okay, well I’m gonna give it a shot”.

AS: So do you have any specific goal in mind? For the short, middle term?

DC: Yeah. So I’ve been at the job for a week as of today. So my first priority is just to figure everything out. There’s a lot of turbulent energy surrounding the HF and a lot of people doing cool stuff. My first thing to do is just get it all into my head so that I can have some sort of an idea about it. But in the sort of shorter to medium term the first thing I want to do is find more opportunities where different parts of the community who could be collaborating don’t know about each other and put them in touch, to find places where we can focus our efforts on something and just get it done. So there’s this thing that we have in the United States which is called a barn raising which is where a rural community all gets together and builds a family a barn in a weekend. You make a big party out of it and the thing that would have been a completely difficult task for one person to get done as a group you can actually crank it out pretty quick. So I’ve been thinking of trying to find a couple of places where we could organize like a weekend event with a similar energy to the ICFP contest and maybe get some work done on some aspect of GHC where you don’t have to be deep into the compiler or some aspects of some core libraries. This is something that I’m talking to people about and if anyone’s listening to this podcast and has a great idea, please get in touch. I’m David at haskell.foundation. I’d also like to find/figure out where people who are interested in working on projects of key importance to the Haskell ecosystem don’t end up doing so and remove those obstacles. I think that those obstacles can be everything from you know, ReadMes that can be spruced up a bit to doing some issue triage – I’m happy to sit down and do some of that as time permits – to identifying things or putting people in contact with mentors. As you’ve heard I’m really into programming tooling and if I can find ways to enable the people working on tooling and user friendliness and new user accessibility of Haskell to keep doing what they’re doing well I’d really like to do that. And then, of course, a big part of any nonprofit is fundraising and I’m going to be spending a lot of time trying to find the best ways to strategically invest in the projects that we all rely on to make our ecosystem stronger so that it can support more of us so that we can get more done with it.

AS: It’s interesting. Because when I think of Haskell foundation I always kind of have this idea of technical stuff being done. But what you mentioned is mostly kind of opening communication channels or putting people together to make the work done.

DC: So my role at the Haskell Foundation is that of executive director and that means that I have managed to be promoted into management and I’m not writing code anymore – the nightmare of everyone. But we don’t have the budget today in order to hire a lot of people to go out and do a lot of technical things. But we do have the budget to have a role in the community to help the people doing the technical work get unstuck, to provide resources where it’s necessary, to help things work better. And over time if we manage to get more sponsors, if we manage to get more resources, we can then also directly pay for more work, which I’d like to be able to do. We do have somebody who’s starting to do devops work for GHC as an employee of the Foundation or actually as a contractor for the Foundation very soon. I’m really happy about that. This is an initiative that really came from grassroots around the Foundation and it went through our technical proposals process and that’s where a lot of that work is going to get done and it really is a thing that we as a community should do. I mean the Foundation is here for Haskellers and I hope that we are something that all of you feel like is yours. We don’t want to exist as a separate entity that’s pursuing its own goals and dreams. We certainly will have some restrictions that are imposed by the fact that in order to keep operating we need a budget, we need to live up to the rules that surround nonprofits – because by living up to those rules we gain the ability to coordinate the use of resources in new ways and we become a place where those who live off of Haskell can invest back in the ecosystem. But at the end of the day we’re here for the community and my job really is to find ways to serve the community and I think that I do that best by working on ways to get people together, by unsticking communication, by easing in the onramp rather than by sitting down and writing code.

WS: So I think one of the challenges for any programming language is if you want to improve the language where does the money come from. Historically Microsoft of course has put a lot of time into funding Simon and Simon to work on the language. Since then GHC has spun off into more of an open source project and you have a bunch of these smaller kind of projects like HLS or various other tool support – Cabal started very much as a grassroots thing by some of the open source people interested in this, and then Stack has been kind of pushed really hard by FPComplete. So there’s all kinds of different people kind of involved in this. Have you looked at how other kind of similar languages have grown and flourish? Because the typical model is that you have Oracle backing Java or Microsoft backing C# and F# to sum at least .NET. So what’s the business model for growing a programming language once it kind of has gotten to the point where it can no longer be maintained by just one academic?

DC: So I think the closest place to look is Rust. The Rust community has done a great job of applying principled programming language design to interesting problems. They’ve done a great job building a community that is welcoming and that is authentically run by members of the community and so I’m definitely paying close attention to what they’re up to. I think that for now we have this model of getting sponsors and people who want to support the further development of Haskell, and also of keeping authentically connected to the rest of the community. I don’t know what the business model is. I don’t know that we can apply anything from any other programming language because Haskell is not like most other programming languages. We have a different culture than most programming language communities that I think is a little bit more anarchic and individualistic and basically we’re going to have to make it up as we go along and keep our heads above water and do our best to keep things going. Today there are people who are paying for the further development of GHC and its surrounding infrastructure like the Haskell Foundation is able to put money into that. We’ve had direct donations from companies. There are others who pay for maintenance on GHC without being involved in the Haskell Foundation at all because their business uses it and they want things to work better. So it’s not that we don’t have any income. It’s more how can we find ways to direct resources from those who are getting a value out of Haskell into Haskell getting even better. I don’t know what all the answers are. Again, David at haskell.foundation.

WS: Sure, of course, and I mean you’ve only been on the job for a week. Just to clarify by business model I don’t mean how do you make the Haskell Foundation profitable but how do you make the language better and somehow unite so many different projects and libraries and individuals who’ve all done amazing stuff and somehow bring that together? I think that’s like the real challenge for the Foundation.

DC: Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, it’s a big challenge.

WS: You don’t have to have the answers now.

DC: No I don’t have them all now.

WS: We won’t hold that against you of course.

DC: Yeah yeah, and it’s also important that we don’t come in and try to take people’s projects away from them, that we don’t come in and tell people what to do. Because almost everyone working on Haskell is doing it because they want to, because it’s fun. People have jobs, those jobs pay them, those people who pay them often get to say what they should do. That’s not how it is when they sit down on the evenings and weekends. So it’s great if we can make it more fun and more rewarding to participate in larger structures and make things that are useful for more people than oneself. I find that rewarding personally. But at the end of the day people are going to do what they want to do.

WS: Sure.

AS: So one thing I also wanted to ask because you’ve mentioned what the Haskell Foundation can do for the development of Haskell and the users, do you have any goals into promoting Haskell? I mean, in other languages communities there is always this kind of publicity/promotion workforce which is all about how you get people to use the language more and now you grow your community, you grow your user base. This seems weird to me that it is always out of the way, it feels like we Haskellers don’t like to do marketing. But it also feels weird that even the Haskell Foundation is kind of shy in a way, until now, to do this kind of work.

DC: I think that we should be a little bit. So one thing to realize is that the Haskell Foundation is not very big and that there aren’t that many people in official roles. And that most of those who want to volunteer don’t want to do it on writing publicity posts.

AS: Yeah, right. I mean it feels weird to me that out of all these people and all these different committees – and you have communities to make this library better – there is no one such thing. No grassroots, sort of desire to to do this promotion or marketing thing.

DC: That’s right. That is interesting. I’m not actually sure why that is I think. I think part of it is just the Haskell community’s value, sort of going back to “Lambda, the Ultimate Political Party”. I think there’s a certain contrarian non-commercialist streak to parts of the Haskell community – I think that if you are walking into a room full of Haskellers and you know saying you work in advertising you’re less likely to have intrigued people and more likely to be rejected than in some other communities that I’ve been a part of where they might say “oh, that’s interesting”. This is part of our community values, I don’t know whether it’s a value that’s helpful for us always, but it is how many of us, at least historically, have worked on things. I think a lot of us have seen things that are promoted that are not fit for purpose and there’s also a feeling of personal integrity sometimes where you want to make sure that you’re sort of being strictly honest in all of your promotion and that you want your good results to speak for themselves. And good results don’t speak for themselves in the world as it actually is, because our attention is a finite resource.

WS: Yeah. In Haskell, I think one thing I appreciate about the community is that despite everyone’s differences, everyone wants the language to succeed and they want to change the language for the better and that’s kind of something which has unified so many people. Where it sometimes starts to rub is that people think “I can agree that this is a good thing but it will break all my code” – we have this discussion about fancy types, which I know people are super enthusiastic about. But I also know people who are like very hesitant who’s kind of been bitten by this and said “well, you know once I start writing type families and template Haskell all my code slows down” or “the compile will no longer compile if I change this one thing”. So there’s this constant drive and the language is not like one static thing. It’s this evolving monster, I want to say, but that sounds too mean.

AS: Well some some error messages can be can be a monster.

WS: No, it’s an ecosystem right? Which is where ideas flourish and die out and then somehow managing that is a huge challenge, pushing it in any direction, right?

DC: That’s right. I think a unique aspect of the Haskell community is that we include both full time programming languages researchers like you, and full-time programmers like me a month ago, and a lot of people who do it for fun, who work on it for fun, a lot of people who wish they could work on it for fun. We’re a very broad community for our relatively small size. And this actually is a source of friction and a source of strength as well, I think. Because we actually get to find out “oh hey, this this cool thing that we thought we had solved in this research paper actually doesn’t work in this other context” by having real users who are using the language on a larger scale than you get from a little research language.

WS: Sure.

DC: On the other hand it absolutely makes things tense sometimes when you have to prioritize the needs of a very diverse group of people with very different interests and that is a thing that we need to manage.

WS: Yeah, for sure.

AS: Ok, so David, thanks so much for your time. Is there anything else you’d like to mention now?

DC: Sure. When I’m not working on Haskell I’ve been moonlighting as a technical writer and I’ve been working on a functional programming book using Lean 4 and I think that the Haskell Community, just like we should go take a look at what’s going on in Racket, we should also go and take a look at what’s going on in Lean 4. Just as a little preview, the do notation lets you have mutable variables and return early and I know that’ll inspire feelings. I’d encourage you to go check it out. They do that and a lot of other things I think are very interesting. The first release of the first part of the serial online book should be in about a month from today’s recording which is May 9th.

WS: Great. So look for the first kind of release in early June. I look forward to reading that and I look forward to seeing how you grow into your role and how the Foundation continues to flourish.

DC: Thank you, thanks for taking the time to talk today.

WS: Thank you for taking the time to join us and I think there’s a lot of exciting stuff in the pipeline to look forward, so thanks again.

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